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The best vegan and gluten free pizza you will ever taste!

Pizza is a staple in our house.  But let’s be clear, I am not taking about just your average gluten and dairy filled pizza.  “Bri’s pizza” as it’s been nicknamed in my house has become quite a thing.  I make it 2-3 times a month and I switch up the toppings often.

Our favorite gluten free crust is by Caulipower. We usually try to keep two boxes  in our freezer at all times for a quick and easy meal the whole family can eat.  This week we decided to try Traders Joes broccoli and kale crust for the base.  It was super tasty and had a nice consistency.

  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • 15 asparagus sticks
  • 1 yellow Onion
  • 6 crimini mushrooms
  • kite hill vegan ricotta
  • 1 tbsp of garlic
  • 2 tbsp of vegan pesto

Follow steps for cooking the crust.  This particular crust from Trader Joes, requires you to cook the pizza crust by itself first.  Once it’s cooked then you add the topings and cook for an additonal 5 minutes.

For this particular recipe I sauted everything ahead of time, then added the topings.  In my opnion you can never have too much garlic so I sauted the veggies in it as well as threw some on top of the pizza.

Hate grocery shopping?

Me too! Before kids I loved it, but after kids, I realized that shopping with two kids was no longer enjoyable. Beyond wanting to pull my hair out as I walk down the aisle of the grocery store it also takes a ton of time. As a family of four, we go through a ton of fresh veggies so I usually need to shop 2-3 times a week.

Instacart has been a lifesaver. I use it weekly and this year alone it’s saved me 76 hours of grocery shopping! That’s a lot of time spent doing more productive things. If you haven’t tried it yet give it a try. Here is $10 off your first order.

Looking for another tasty vegan recipe?  Try this Veggie Curry here.