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Feeling overwhelmed by the constant rush and pressure of modern motherhood?

Discover the benefits of slowing down and living more intentionally

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Embrace The Slow

The Power of Intentional Living

This transformative course is explicitly designed for Moms like you who crave peace, balance, and a deeper connection with themselves and their children.

Buy Now — $347

How to Live with Intention

In This Program, You’ll Discover:
  • Uncover the hidden cost of constant hurry and explore its ripple effect on yourself and your family.
  • Receive practical guidance on challenging the status quo and breaking free from the societal speed trap.
  • Discover how self-care improves physical health and emotional well-being while boosting self-esteem and increasing productivity. 
  • Learn how to identify your deeply held values and use them as a compass for setting clear, meaningful intentions.
  • Understand the harmful mental and physical effects of prolonged stress on your body. 
  •  Learn how to quiet your mind, cultivate mindfulness, and create inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life through breathwork, journaling, and meditation.
  • Discover how to consciously set aside distractions, engage deeply, and savor the joy in ordinary moments, turning them into extraordinary memories.

How to Live with Intention

In This Program, You’ll Discover:
  • Uncover the hidden cost of constant hurry and explore its ripple effect on yourself and your family.
  • Receive practical guidance on challenging the status quo and breaking free from the societal speed trap.
  • Discover how self-care improves physical health and emotional well-being while boosting self-esteem and increasing productivity. 
  • Learn how to identify your deeply held values and use them as a compass for setting clear, meaningful intentions.
  • Understand the harmful mental and physical effects of prolonged stress on your body. 
  •  Learn how to quiet your mind, cultivate mindfulness, and create inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life through breathwork, journaling, and meditation.
  • Discover how to consciously set aside distractions, engage deeply, and savor the joy in ordinary moments, turning them into extraordinary memories.

Thank you for this program, as I feel I will keep going back to it. Referencing meals, keeping positive about myself and my body, and remembering to keep things simple and natural. Being in a state of joy is most important… and this program has helped aid in my journey to being my best self. Also, it reminded me of so many simple things I had forgotten about. Very Grateful; thank you, Bri!

Robyn L.
Mindful Mama Reset Alumni

After taking Bri’s program, I feel more in control of my routines and habits. By implementing some tweaks to my current routine, I’ve gotten back on track with my health goals. This course helped me understand where my life was off balance. It provided the tools and content to facilitate the changes I needed to get my physical and mental health back on track.

Jessica D.
Mindful Mama Reset Alumni

Before working with Bri I was experiencing severe bloating, inflammation, and could not lose 10 lbs to save my life. I tried tons of different diets and the weight just wouldn’t budge.  Bri helped me lose 7lbs and worked with me on my diet to eliminate the foods that were causing my puffiness. I feel so much better in my body and now have the confidence to know that I am eating the right foods.

Danielle E.
Private Client
Briana Ellison - Hip Natural Mama
Who Am I?

Briana Ellison

Briana Ellison is the founder of Hip Natural Mama and creator of Embrace the Slow coaching program. She is Certified in Integrative Nutrition, a Reiki Practitioner, and Energy Healer.

She is known for helping moms navigate the identity shift & life challenges that they encounter as they transition into Motherhood. Briana helps Women redefine who they are as both a Mother and a Woman so they can show up better for themselves and their families.

By helping moms prioritize themselves, she teaches them how to create a life they love so they can show up with more excitement and patience for their families.

Ready to Dive in Together?

Your transformation awaits.
Buy Now- $347

Course Overview



The Hidden Cost of Rushing

Lesson 1

Understanding the Rush

Why are we always in a hurry? What are the societal pressures that contribute to this constant rush? And most importantly, how does it impact our mental and physical health?

In this section, we’ll uncover the hidden cost of constant hurry and explore its ripple effect on our families. You’ll also receive practical guidance on challenging the status quo and breaking free from the societal speed trap.

Lesson 2

Transitioning to Intentionality

It’s time to shift from reactive to proactive living. In this section, I will guide you on setting intentions and aligning your daily actions with your values and goals. This is the key to not just surviving but thriving!



The Importance of Self-Care

Lesson 1

Reaping the Rewards of Self-Care

In this section, I’m going to let you in on a secret that can be life-changing: Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. As Moms, we often put ourselves last, not realizing that to give the best of us, we need to be at our best.

In this lesson, we’ll dive deep into the manifold benefits of self-care. From improving physical health and emotional well-being to boosting self-esteem and increasing productivity, self-care can create a positive domino effect in all aspects of your life. It’s time to stop feeling guilty about taking time for yourself and realize that self-care is the key to thriving in motherhood and life.

Lesson 2

Releasing and Clearing Energy

In this section, I will guide you through a Reiki meditation to re-align your chakras, aka your seven energy centers where trapped emotions and traumas often get stuck. It is essential to clear and open up these channels to reduce the risk of your body producing physical symptoms. 



The Art of Slowing Down

Lesson 1

Stress's Effects on The Body

This section will teach you the harmful mental and physical effects of prolonged stress on your body. This module offers practical strategies for slowing down, including mindful breathing, meditation, and journaling.

Lesson 2

Create Inner Peace

In this section, you will learn breathing techniques to implement into your daily routine quickly. These techniques help you release tension, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.

You will also be introduced to the practice of meditation. You will learn how to quiet your mind, cultivate mindfulness, and create inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life.



Intentional Parenting

Lesson 1

The Power of Presence

In this lesson, we’ll delve into the transformative power of presence, helping you understand how fully immersed in the current moment enhances your connection with your children and enriches your life. You’ll learn to consciously set aside distractions, engage deeply, and savor the joy in ordinary moments, turning them into extraordinary memories.

Lesson 2

The Slow Living Blueprint

In the final section, you’ll create a personalized plan for incorporating slow living principles into your daily life. By the end of this module, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the power of slow and intentional living and practical tools to integrate it into your daily life.

Access Lesson 1 For Free

Mindful Living Starts Here
Lesson 1 Free Preview

Why You Should Enroll

You Desire More

The constant rush and pressure of modern motherhood can lead to stress, burnout, and a disconnect from what truly matters: our relationships with ourselves and our children. This course offers a lifeline. It provides the tools and strategies to slow down, live more intentionally, and create a peaceful, fulfilling life for yourself and your family.

Don’t let the rush of life rob you of precious moments with your children. Sign up for Embrace the Slow: The Power of Intentional Living today and start your journey towards a more mindful, peaceful, and connected life.

What You'll Get

  • 2- Live Q & A Calls with Bri $450
  • Course Content $875
  • Bonus Meditations $200
  • Total Value $1525

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit a question before I purchase?

Yes, you can send any pre-purchase questions to!

What is included with my purchase?

  • 2- Live 45- 60 minute Q & A Calls with Bri
  • 4 Modules of Course Content 
  • Guided Meditations
  • Breathwork Technique videos
  • Course Workbook
  • Plus Bonus Meditations

Will I get to talk to Bri?

Yes, you get two 60-minute group coaching calls where you can have your questions directly answered by Bri!

How can I get support after purchasing?

If you have a question or need help logging into the course, you can contact us

Can I become a private client?

Yes, right now, there is still an option to book one-on-one calls. You can do so here.

Get Access Now

Embrace The Slow

The Power of Intentional Living

This transformative course is explicitly designed for Moms like you who crave peace, balance, and a deeper connection with themselves and their children.

Buy Now — $347

“Working with Bri has radically transformed my life. I never realized how much of my anxiety was caused by caffeine and not knowing how to manage my stress. Bri gave me the tools to help manage my stress better and I know have implemented those into my daily routine. She also worked with me on my diet and helped me completely give up caffeine which I never thought possible!”

Paige D.Private Client

“I really liked how this program was presented. The weekly breakdowns helped me not get overwhelmed with everything at one. It gave me a chance to absorb the material and really think about each component. I love getting back to basics and working on simple concepts that get overlooked. The meditation for each week was perfect and I love Bri's gentle way of being a support system in making mindset changes.”

Robyn L.Mindful Mama Reset Alumni

Find a New Way

Find a New Way

Find a New Way

Find a New Way

Find a New Way

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To Honor You

To Honor You

To Honor You

To Honor You